I can not remember when it was that I actually decided I wanted my first baby to be named Dallas but I know it was before Chris and I had even met. I always thought it was unique name but at the same time it's easy to spell and pronounce which is often not the case when it comes to unique names (believe me, I've seen my fair share of unique names after teaching for almost 7 years).
After dating for a little while the topic of baby names came up and Chris and I quickly found out that we both had the name Dallas picked out! Different reasons, same name!! :)
Chris loves to read and one of his favorite books is The Outsiders which made into a movie in 1983 and one of his favorite characters from they book, played by Matt Dillon in the movie, was names Dallas aka Dally.
When we started thinking about a middle name to go with Dallas we both agreed that we wanted it to be Scott pretty quickly. Scott is one of Chris' uncles on his mom's side. He was like a big brother to Chris growing up and they are still very close today. They both share the love of singing and playing guitar and Chris has always looked up to him and valued his advice and admired his accomplishments.
So there you have it, Dallas Scott will be our sweet baby's name and we are patiently waiting for the day when we get to hold, snuggle and love on him/her!
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