Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Adoption Update

When Chris and I first set out to adopt our plan was to go through an agency and in my post that covered the FAQ about our adoption I had mentioned that we planned on going through a local agency called Chosen Child. We had been in contact with them for months and planned on beginning everything in January but in January we were informed (after waiting, preparing, and planning) that they were not accepting new prospective parents at that time and it could be a while until they would be. After dealing with that let down and frustration we began the search for a new agency. We found a few others that we were interested in and after contacting them we discovered that we are going to be on a waiting list (minimum 2-3 years) almost anywhere we go. 

Needless to say we were hit with that overwhelming question that usually come up at times like these, "WHY God? Why?" and "What are we supposed to do next?"  
We know that God would not have put such a strong calling on our hearts for adoption if that wasn't what we were supposed to do but we seemed to be at a standstill. We didn't know where to turn next. 

So we stepped back and handed it over to God!

> You may or may not have noticed the changes we made to our You Caring Fundraising page and the baby bottle on the side of the blog . . . 
* We had originally planned on ending our fundraising in December of this year but that date has been moved up a little to August.
*We also originally aimed to raise $30,000.00 which is the cost of adopting through most agencies but we have lowered the amount to $20,000 (we are hoping to lower this again when we get more details)

>You may have also seen our recent post on the Waiting for Dallas facebook page that we have begun the home study process, which is something you usually don't do until a little later on in the adoption process ...

Are you wondering why?!?!?

Well, we can not give many details now but we have been given the opportunity of an independent/private infant adoption later on this year!!

We would GREATLY appreciate your continued prayers as we have some big decisions to make and a few more hoops to jump through before everything is said and done!

New Total:
We've raised: $7,117.00
Only $12,883.00 to go!

1 comment:

  1. It is incredible how it can take 9 months & a day (and NO money) to make and get rid of a baby, but it can take years and thousands of dollars to get to have & love an adopted baby as your own. It really breaks my heart. I am praying for y'all as you go through this, and hope to learn from your experience to prepare for the time my husband & I get to walk through what you're walking through right now. Hugs!
